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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Again ?!!! As Expected

Those who are reading the Malaysian Newspaper today be in English or in Malay would not surprise to realise that the oil price fluctuating based on da current oil commodity by the State. I personally wud not find myself not in goosebump shud da government announced the increase of 30 cent/litre petrol. But wat I cudnt understand why the government keep on disclaiming its liability in solving the probs at hand.

The Deputy Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak (to ma non-mesian fren, dato' seri is a salutation for vvvvvvvip in our country) -da so called vip laa- in the local newspaper today seeks to defend the increase by urging the citizens to observe a better way of life.

Hullo Dato Seri !! Wat is dat mean? U cant settle down da issues and u are pointing us to be da reason? Come on Dato. Its not fair for us!! I'm sorry, but I urge u to understand our situations especially those who come from da middle class in our society,

For ur info;
1) Some of the Government Servants including the Dato Seris and Datin Seris wudnt be affected as they got their journey reimbursed whenever they reach out
2) So why do they bother?
but we feed our mobiles once in two days if not once in a day
3) izzit fair? u answer


Da funniest ever thing will happen is dat, all the Mamaks' hang-out-cafe will have a good ground for topping up their price of goods and services. And u'll come across a familiar usual chat in the Maple (Maa-pele <----- dats how we pronounce it) goes like dis: " Ouch... I thought its only RM1.20. Has it been reviewed?" " Dey neh... Itu minyak sudah naik. Teh tarik pun kene kasi naik laaa incik" ~The petrol price has increased and we've got no choice but to top up our business price as well.~

" Why is dat, mista?"

" Itu harga susu pun sudah naik sbb harga minyak sudah naik. Teh Tarik kene naik la macha." ~ Even the price of condensed milk has increased resulting from the new petrol market. In relation, our drinks have to be revised too.~

And the innocent-unbelievable and muka-tak-puas-hati customer went off cursing da mamak n da govt.

For further reference, u might wanna check dis out

Also, a 4 **** research by my colleague in Manchester might give u a better view



Anonymous said...

assalamu' comment..x rase ke nak betulkan kepincangan yg berterus2an berlaku kat tanahair kita??

Zokhri Idris said...

semestinya ada kesedaran utk memperbetulkan kepincangan yg berterusan itu. Malah sedang memperbaiki dan menyiapkan diri untuk berdepan dengan masyarakat di tempat sendiri..

Anonymous said...

macam mana ya persiapan itu?mungkin boleh dikongsi bersama...insyaAllah.(huhu..maaf kalau bnyk tanya)

Zokhri Idris said...

ermm perbagai cara dari pelbagai segi.. malah ia bermula dari sekarang lagi..
saya tiada masalah utk berkongsi dgn manusia. and in return i might get sumting benefit from u in our discussion aint?
klu berminat, kindly leave ur details and i'll get back to u asap.. ermm nie manusia manchester ker?
begitu banyak penyamaran yang dilakukan oleh insan2 dewasa ini..hehe

Anonymous said...

huhu terima kasih kerna ingin berkongsi...sesungguhnya saya tidak menyamar, cuma menyembunyikan identiti diri...meyamar ertinya berlagak seperti org laen..n boleh dikategorikan menipu...sesungguhnya sy memg manusia biasa..n for some reasons, perlu menyembunyikan identt...=).well, jk ingin berkongsi, boleh emel sy di alamat trm kasih.wassalam.

Zokhri Idris said...


i've sent u an email of introduction. Perhaps it will be a better channel to exchange views n opinions, rather than doing it publicly..hehe
Am waiting for ur reply. but only reply when u are free..
