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Saturday, January 05, 2008

N Da least I Can Do (part2)

Dear friend,

I am not writing to you, with the thinking not being a councillor neither a good motivator. I dun know either, what’s da best piece of thots to share wif u at dis crucial moment. My mind is full of an empty space even my hearts strongly inclines to write sumting. Ppl say, da words don’t matter but the thots dat count. Solely believe on dis, I am replying to u wif da best effort dat I can.

Words are just words. It cud invite many rooms interpretations n inferences. At such, I honestly have no idea how my sayings cud be meaningful 2 u.

Do u ever know dat, life has a lot to offer than the exams? Exams are just a micro-part in parcelled in our life. In fact life itself is a test. So why fear? I regards exams are just a mean to test how much u’ve absorbed and able to demonstrate things u’ve learnt. But is it dats all you n me (da muslims) perceive knowledge? N I dun have to tell u dat, ‘ilm without execution is just like a tree without fruits’

Hence izzit (exam) make a big deal 2 us?

As 2 regard to fear, it’s the thing measurable and controllable by us. Its within ourselves. We determine whether we shud feel it or ignore it. Should it is failed to be handled, it disrupted da clarity of mind and firmness of da heart. Human normally ok to have fear, but never and ever it gets over you. (of course u are well-versed wat da things we shud fear n wat are not)

My instincts strongly persuade me to think u are just fine. Those aren’t new things to u, its just a reiteration in different ways n styles. N u dun need to be warned dat in life, dere’s a bigger matter needs to be examined. Dis isn’t even da beginning. i know u've much prepared n really look forward to facing da exam. i've nothing else 2 add-up since u've put up ur own light of inspiration. n wat a better motivation cud be other than the words of God from the Holy Qoran plus a good inspiration is born naturally within oneself i.e. from the heart

In da end, I indeed dun know how much dis rumbles can help. But ppl taught me 2 give a hand even tho it won’t be needed. Just trying my luck ere n being 25 yo has taught me, dere’s no harm in trying n not even worth to fear of doing one. No matter whether u will succeed or u might screwed up, both are far better than being one who fear without even trying. (trying wif failures is better than doing nothing)

Da reason why we are still living is because we are still fighting. Loosing a hope to live is loosing the chance to live

May The Force Be With You
p/s Silence doesnt mean disappearing cuz sumtimes, things are better to be left unsaid =)



Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

guess that this is a piece of thoughts for that person =) ngeehee :p

Zokhri Idris said...


it is indeed
ngeehee too
