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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Recipe For A Niu Yer

Farewell 2007
Welcome 2008

Omg .. my niu yer eve party was awesome n remarkably happening. A blast. Me wif some old mates (high skewl buddies) witnessed da end of 2007 at KLCC park. Admitted, it was drizzling badly, but still din make us down to keep on cheering. Soon after da fireworks presentation (while hugging each other, reminiscing da ups and downs we’ve been thru) we made our way to Starhill @ Bukit Bintang.

N dere we go

All nite long singing, dancing like maniac (da malays will classify it as a state of ‘naik sheikh') LOL … best gils pleaseeeeeeee
My glasses were even damaged (not da lense but da frame was slightly unstable) when we were jumping while dancing (masa lagu 'destinasi cinta' ke ape ntah) huhu. But no worries, it has been fixed-up when I later stopped @ da optometry. U know, dat ‘seronok tak hengat’ kinda mood.

My My

After 3 hours of clubbing, we headed to a ‘mamak’ stall nearby. Me had two bottles of sparkling water due to maximum dehydration muahahahahaha. Then we chatted 4 nearly two hours – laughing n having so much fun. (matilaaaaaa semua Zaman Jahiliyyah I terbongkar plis)

When we realised da restraunt was about to close, we made our way 2 Hang Tuah (approx 2 miles away) 2 get our wheels and drove back home. Reached me fren’s home, performing fajr prayer (berhibur pun kenelah ingat tuhan kannn) (^_^) n dats it – off to nowhere land wif no worries and concerns.

Upon returning to office, got dis email from ex-colleague. Kinda soul-purifying n inspiring I think. Thot of sharing wif u

Lets welcome 2008 wif hope n joy peeps

- Recipe for A New Year-

Take twelve whole months
Clean them thoroughly of all
Bitterness, hate, and jealousy
Make them fresh and clean as possible

Now cut each month into twenty –eight
Thirty or thirty one different parts
But dun make the whole batch at once

Prepare it one day at a time

Out of these ingredients

Mix well into each day
One part of faith
One part of patience
One part of courage

And one part of work

Add to each day
One part of hope
Faithfulness, generosity
Meditation and one good deed

Season the whole with a dash of good spirit

A sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play,
And a cupfull of good humor

Pour all of these into a vessel of love
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy
Garnish with a smile
And serve with quietness,
Unselfishness and cheerfulness

N dere u go
A happy 365 days awaiting u ahead


Unknown said...

hullo barb

appreciate ur visit to my humble site n thanks for imforming will have a consideration on it

take care n god bless


Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

Abg Wan.

u got wrong with the number there. tahun ni tahun lompat. so 366 days awaiting u ahead =) minus 10 days already. so 356 days awaiting u ahead. hope they bright u up all along the way!

Zokhri Idris said...


thanks for the correction dear..
so guys we got an extra day dis year.hopefully we live it to da max

wishing u da same sarah,may ur life be brighter with da presence of someone niu and special -smile-


Anonymous said...

Salamun'alaik wan

Erm, tak reti nak karang BI ni.. so, akak karang BM jer la erk.. Selamat Tahun Baru yg dah berlalu ni.. walau dah lalu, tapi masih terasa baru.. ( MAsih dalam Muharram)Semoga Matlamat, azam yang kita bina di tahun baru still masih terasa barunya...

Adik wan, akak baca blog wan.. Best.. boleh improve my BI.. Maklumlah dah tinggal study ni, jarang dapat dengar lecture cakap English n Arab. Cam da lupa da vocab ni. Rasa sayang gak kalau hilang cam tu jer kan..

nway, juz nak kata sesuatu jer.. no, ask something.. errr, wan pi clubbing gak ker? tak hairan pun, tapi ader sedikit kecewa.. its trully in my heart. Pepun, wan lebih memahami diri wan. Akak sentiasa doakan wan moga kecemerlangan dunia akhirat mengiringi wan.

cuma... Akak rindu wan yang dulu. :)