Dearest team,
As you are reading these lines, I have set my footsteps to a new chapter of my life. I am embarking on my new journey, leaving behind thousands (if not millions) of memories in Taylors. Blatantly true, 9 months could be a while to some. But to me, 9 months have given me a lot of things to be cherished. Only now I have realised that, it doesn’t really matter how long u have spent ur time but how do u spend it matters the most. Indeed, God has destined our paths would only crossed for da past nine months, and I am now departing wif all of your blessings and prayers.
The great legendary Shakespeare I am not, but my sincere words dats spelled out from my lips are the truthful thoughts that I am thinking about you. Hence, these aren’t powerful words as E=mc2, but simply mean a lot to me. If I have a bunch of prezzies sealed off wif a red silver lining ribbon to everyone, dat wudnt even equalise how much I thank you for your presence once in my life.
I will now take this stage to give my profoundest expressions of gratitude to all of the lovely people who wished me, texted me, and sent cards on my farewell.
Mrs Hoe, Mrs Quek and Miss Prema,
Thank you from da bottom of me heart, since da first day we met. Also your patience in tolerating my ‘hard-to-adjust’ persistence is much appreciated.
Your advices and critical comments are truly an eye opener, and made me realise to always be cautious and careful.
Your motherly smile will always be remembered. U are a great colleague and a nice company to share and someone to listen to. Thanks for da cake. We enjoy it a lot
Thanks for your support and your patience in ‘training’ and ‘adjusting’ me to this new system.
Miss Choo,
I will always remember your voice as I cudnt resist even one day for not hearing it LOL. And I know you are a dedicated and really into your profession
Mr Taram Singh,
Your industry driven advice in academic discipline is much appreciated. It’s a shame we failed to dine out together despite some arrangements been made.
Miss Phua,
Thanks for your courage. U have made me feel ‘not-so-bad’ upon leaving at this critical time.
Dere we go. My learned adjudicators be with singing, debating and many more. All I can say – u are born to be an ‘all-rounded’ person Christine.and dats is so special of you dat the other dun have
Miss Yong,
Thanks for making me a gud citizen of Malaysia. I’ll consider to vote in da next general election.
My partner and neighbour, as well as my deputy president for ‘Young Lecturer’s Club’ . shhhhh its an underground club. LOL
Thank you neighbour, for wishing me, without fail, ‘Good morning’ everytime I was walk-in to my desk daily
Mr Chin,
An understanding neighbour. I definitely will recommend your ‘secondary’ service to my frens and future colleagues.
Mr Chong,
Your warmth smile will always be remembered
Mr Ng,
Even though sometimes I can hear your jokes from far, it already convinced me you are actually full sense of humour.
Thanks for being my IT saver yah. U have helped me a lot since I am a ‘buta IT’ lecturer. And all da best with your new member of the family.
How shame, I cant even express my intention to leave to u personally. But we certainly will meet in the future.
My ‘ting-tong’ yet fun mate. We really had a nice time in Awana. And I will never forget our happiness, sadness and frustrations bcuz of da lousy management tour. And I think u can write well in BM.
Alice cum Dr Khaw,
Hey be strong yeah. Death doesn’t put an end to love somebody. See you in 5 years time as Dr Khaw
My respected mentor Wendy Loo,
U have been a great mentor all this while. Because of you, I am now have a basic in Australian Legal Studies.
Miss Ting,
If somebody ever sent u spam emails, lets beat him up I will miss looking at you eating ur sandwich at 10 ish everyday.
I hope u will enjoy SAM as much as u enjoy ICPU. After all we are still an educationist.
Mr Munin,
I am planning to go hiking with you then. And make sure you dun quit =)
Thanks for da ride. U’ve been a great buddy. A gud colleague and a potential businesswoman. All da best wif your bawang merah, bawang putih and udang ok LOL
How shud I say cuz I really gonna miss you. U r like a mother to me. our conversation will always light me up. And im wishing you a million of TGIF ahead in near future.
Knowing u spiced up my life in da orange room. Our ‘gila-gila’ mind seriously help us much when dealing with ongoing stress in work. Ermmmm dun forget to be my curtain designer shud one day I have my own house with own money. You are a gud fren and a bright businesswoman in near future.
Mrs Soh,
Should the ‘three’ heroes stay, I wish u all da best of luck in facing them =) they just somehow loss in their lives.
Mrs Goh,
Take care of L3 for me. Make sure they will study hard for finals and trial.
Mr Tong,
U are truly a reformist and I admire all of your effort and spirit. Dun wery Mr Tong, da surrounding will eventually listen to u. people will learn to appreciate if its been taken away from them.
Treat me starbucks upon ur masters graduation. And I will treat you secret recipe for directing me to Bukit Tunku eventho we din follow da directions LOL
I love your whinings, I love your complainings, they are so neutral, funny and adorable. Say hi to the Baches for me yeah
Miss Tiew,
Our short conversation in AC (over lunch) will do for me.
Ms Doh,
Please forgive me for not controlling da class. They’ll never do dat again (bcuz im no longer to entertain them) haha
Next time jupo, kito make budu deh. Mung jange royak kat semua ore. Hok pakat2 samo side2 kito jo.
Hi Big and Sexy Mama, u r still sporty and rocks. I’m sure ur kids will be happy having a cool mum like u.
Mr Lee,
Everytime I bump into u, u were heading for a breakfast (far far away from campus) ha ha
Ai Nee,
Berhati hati di jalan raya OK.hehehehe. sokay dear, shits just happened in our life. Just get over it cuz there always be a bright sun after a heavy storm.
All da best, mate. I trust you to carry on wif my unaccomplished mission in taylors – to educate the youngster for a better Malaysia in da future
I miss your curry in hurry. Can u make me tandoori in hurry too? LOL
Mrs Ong,
U can now ask Vijay for any legal advices and I hope that u will never be victimised again.
Mr Yap Physics,
It’s a nice pleasure knowing you. I value ur frenship and all the things u have taught me before (particularly our conversation post-nuang tragedy) lol
Dr Santha,
I want to be like you. Holding a doctorate degree and I hope that one day I’ll be able to meet u and tell u dat I have being one.
Miss Ng,
How shud I say, that I really gonna miss you. Ur motherly care and advices simply be da second to none. U are like my mother when I go to work. And I wanna thank u for dat and please keep on sending me ur blessings and prayers. I need them, honestly.
Im so happy u finally met da one. I ask God nothing but to give you a loads of happiness and beautiful memories in ur life and family.
My roomie (hehehe) ‘only in the staffroom’. Thanks for accompanying me all da nites we have spent together in the staffroom (opppsss but im sure they understand wat I mean) LOL U are such a dedicated lecturer and I always tell J8 dat they are lucky to have such a dedicated and passionate economic lecturer like u.
Miss Kwa,
Our Awana memories will remain forever. We are da black team yeah. BLACK IS FINE BLACK IS MINE.
It’s a relief to know dat someone is actually having da same thinking like you. and u are da one. We both enjoyed ourselves sharing da same (gila gila) idea, keep on rocking our lifes as it is too short for a tear.
My partner in crime. I like the way u approach ur current employment. And believe you me, u will treasure nothing else in dis world but da only son of urs.
Mr Yap Chemistry,
My life-saver, my rescuer. I dunno how am I gonna make it without u. and I wud like to apologise shud it became a troublesome for u dat day. Gunung Nuang allows us to know each other more rather than in da office. How true.
Miss Loke,
I’ll come for gong xi fa cai open house ok. Make sure u’ll deco ur house and make nice meals. Hehehe.
Miss Cheang,
Even though we talked less, but I know dat u r a nice person to befriend with and a gud teacher to ur students.
Trust me, judging you in Awana, u can be da next bond gurl.hehehehehehe (u simply have da style dear)
Mrs Lim,
Take care of sai jun for me. from now he has no one but you to turn on. As well as L3 and P3 which I think P3 needs most of ur attention. LOL
Mr Yong,
I gonna miss Sarah. Hey we are yet to talk about politics despite we have promised to do dat at da beginning of da semester. Lets go for a ‘the tarik’ soon after Ramadhan ok.
I hope u will find yourself enjoyable with us. Students are always students and we were once a student before. And im sure we share da same wavelength wif them, they will treat us more than as a teacher.
Ur nice and humble way-of-going clearly reflects on how ur religion has taught you. I can see a complete Christianity reflection in you as u demonstrate it all in your personality. Keep it up. U are born as an angel to the mankind.
Mr Woon,
Never give up Mr Woon. Da only reason why we keep on breathing is becuz we will keep on fighting. Don’t be afraid of others becuz u know wat u actually deserved for and wats da best for u
Mrs Banu,
I gonna miss your advices ur laughs, ur companionship and all. U are such a nice lady banu and I know ur daughters will always appreciate wat u have done to them.
Mrs Yapp,
Ur smile and ‘coolness’ are da facts dat keep you young and pretty. Dun loose them cuz even students can see those in your daily appearance.
Later I teach u new techniques ok. Do u still remember da old ones? LOL
Again, sorry for disturbing ur class the other day. P3 and me were over-reacted on da things we discussed and cant resist from having a big woooooooo.
Puan (Dr) Nor.
Ada barang tak? Hehe .we’ll definitely be in touch ok. We will meet and eat eat and eat. Cuz we both know how fortunate a human to eat what has God granted to us
There are so many to thank. But u guys r da greatest peeps in da world and potentially be da world class academics.-fingers crossed-
Sokay dear. Take a pause here in taylors and im sure u will find you path soon. Dun rush because u are still young to figure wats da best for u. I was in dat situation too and I have overcame it.
Please take care of P3 for me. they are not a troublemaker. Its just dat they need someone to listen and to acknowledge their problems. And im sure u can do dat (considering ur position as Psycho lecturer)
U rock babe. Students will enjoy ur ‘coolness’ I bet. Take care of urself
Da rest of the White Roomers,
Im sorry da fact dat only little time spent in knowing you, i cant write much. My bad. Im sure shud I have more time given, I want to know all of u better. But hey, sometimes, we will know each other more out of employment attachment. And I believe dat we will somehow meet in near future.
To those I have missed out, dat doesn’t make u less special than above. I probably missed out your name due to the urgency of sending this email. U will still fondly remain in my remembrance and forever will never be forgotten. I am sorry should this email contains a lot of discrepancies, mistakes (especially grammatical errors and spelling … and I bet Miss Ng isn’t happy with this) and all, this is just the way of my creative writing when suddenly things cross my mind.
Those memories will fade never, as it will makes us feel stronger. I am thanking the Lord Almighty for His mercy and clemency beyond all compare for letting me to be once, be part of the team. Even I am now leaving and beginning a new chapter in my life, you will always be in my mind and in my heart. Believe you me, whether u have achieved success or encountered failures in your life, u always have a place to stay in my heart and in my mind.
Till we meet again,
1512 – Orange Room- September 7th 2008-09-07
As you are reading these lines, I have set my footsteps to a new chapter of my life. I am embarking on my new journey, leaving behind thousands (if not millions) of memories in Taylors. Blatantly true, 9 months could be a while to some. But to me, 9 months have given me a lot of things to be cherished. Only now I have realised that, it doesn’t really matter how long u have spent ur time but how do u spend it matters the most. Indeed, God has destined our paths would only crossed for da past nine months, and I am now departing wif all of your blessings and prayers.
The great legendary Shakespeare I am not, but my sincere words dats spelled out from my lips are the truthful thoughts that I am thinking about you. Hence, these aren’t powerful words as E=mc2, but simply mean a lot to me. If I have a bunch of prezzies sealed off wif a red silver lining ribbon to everyone, dat wudnt even equalise how much I thank you for your presence once in my life.
I will now take this stage to give my profoundest expressions of gratitude to all of the lovely people who wished me, texted me, and sent cards on my farewell.
Mrs Hoe, Mrs Quek and Miss Prema,
Thank you from da bottom of me heart, since da first day we met. Also your patience in tolerating my ‘hard-to-adjust’ persistence is much appreciated.
Your advices and critical comments are truly an eye opener, and made me realise to always be cautious and careful.
Your motherly smile will always be remembered. U are a great colleague and a nice company to share and someone to listen to. Thanks for da cake. We enjoy it a lot
Thanks for your support and your patience in ‘training’ and ‘adjusting’ me to this new system.
Miss Choo,
I will always remember your voice as I cudnt resist even one day for not hearing it LOL. And I know you are a dedicated and really into your profession
Mr Taram Singh,
Your industry driven advice in academic discipline is much appreciated. It’s a shame we failed to dine out together despite some arrangements been made.
Miss Phua,
Thanks for your courage. U have made me feel ‘not-so-bad’ upon leaving at this critical time.
Dere we go. My learned adjudicators be with singing, debating and many more. All I can say – u are born to be an ‘all-rounded’ person Christine.and dats is so special of you dat the other dun have
Miss Yong,
Thanks for making me a gud citizen of Malaysia. I’ll consider to vote in da next general election.
My partner and neighbour, as well as my deputy president for ‘Young Lecturer’s Club’ . shhhhh its an underground club. LOL
Thank you neighbour, for wishing me, without fail, ‘Good morning’ everytime I was walk-in to my desk daily
Mr Chin,
An understanding neighbour. I definitely will recommend your ‘secondary’ service to my frens and future colleagues.
Mr Chong,
Your warmth smile will always be remembered
Mr Ng,
Even though sometimes I can hear your jokes from far, it already convinced me you are actually full sense of humour.
Thanks for being my IT saver yah. U have helped me a lot since I am a ‘buta IT’ lecturer. And all da best with your new member of the family.
How shame, I cant even express my intention to leave to u personally. But we certainly will meet in the future.
My ‘ting-tong’ yet fun mate. We really had a nice time in Awana. And I will never forget our happiness, sadness and frustrations bcuz of da lousy management tour. And I think u can write well in BM.
Alice cum Dr Khaw,
Hey be strong yeah. Death doesn’t put an end to love somebody. See you in 5 years time as Dr Khaw
My respected mentor Wendy Loo,
U have been a great mentor all this while. Because of you, I am now have a basic in Australian Legal Studies.
Miss Ting,
If somebody ever sent u spam emails, lets beat him up I will miss looking at you eating ur sandwich at 10 ish everyday.
I hope u will enjoy SAM as much as u enjoy ICPU. After all we are still an educationist.
Mr Munin,
I am planning to go hiking with you then. And make sure you dun quit =)
Thanks for da ride. U’ve been a great buddy. A gud colleague and a potential businesswoman. All da best wif your bawang merah, bawang putih and udang ok LOL
How shud I say cuz I really gonna miss you. U r like a mother to me. our conversation will always light me up. And im wishing you a million of TGIF ahead in near future.
Knowing u spiced up my life in da orange room. Our ‘gila-gila’ mind seriously help us much when dealing with ongoing stress in work. Ermmmm dun forget to be my curtain designer shud one day I have my own house with own money. You are a gud fren and a bright businesswoman in near future.
Mrs Soh,
Should the ‘three’ heroes stay, I wish u all da best of luck in facing them =) they just somehow loss in their lives.
Mrs Goh,
Take care of L3 for me. Make sure they will study hard for finals and trial.
Mr Tong,
U are truly a reformist and I admire all of your effort and spirit. Dun wery Mr Tong, da surrounding will eventually listen to u. people will learn to appreciate if its been taken away from them.
Treat me starbucks upon ur masters graduation. And I will treat you secret recipe for directing me to Bukit Tunku eventho we din follow da directions LOL
I love your whinings, I love your complainings, they are so neutral, funny and adorable. Say hi to the Baches for me yeah
Miss Tiew,
Our short conversation in AC (over lunch) will do for me.
Ms Doh,
Please forgive me for not controlling da class. They’ll never do dat again (bcuz im no longer to entertain them) haha
Next time jupo, kito make budu deh. Mung jange royak kat semua ore. Hok pakat2 samo side2 kito jo.
Hi Big and Sexy Mama, u r still sporty and rocks. I’m sure ur kids will be happy having a cool mum like u.
Mr Lee,
Everytime I bump into u, u were heading for a breakfast (far far away from campus) ha ha
Ai Nee,
Berhati hati di jalan raya OK.hehehehe. sokay dear, shits just happened in our life. Just get over it cuz there always be a bright sun after a heavy storm.
All da best, mate. I trust you to carry on wif my unaccomplished mission in taylors – to educate the youngster for a better Malaysia in da future
I miss your curry in hurry. Can u make me tandoori in hurry too? LOL
Mrs Ong,
U can now ask Vijay for any legal advices and I hope that u will never be victimised again.
Mr Yap Physics,
It’s a nice pleasure knowing you. I value ur frenship and all the things u have taught me before (particularly our conversation post-nuang tragedy) lol
Dr Santha,
I want to be like you. Holding a doctorate degree and I hope that one day I’ll be able to meet u and tell u dat I have being one.
Miss Ng,
How shud I say, that I really gonna miss you. Ur motherly care and advices simply be da second to none. U are like my mother when I go to work. And I wanna thank u for dat and please keep on sending me ur blessings and prayers. I need them, honestly.
Im so happy u finally met da one. I ask God nothing but to give you a loads of happiness and beautiful memories in ur life and family.
My roomie (hehehe) ‘only in the staffroom’. Thanks for accompanying me all da nites we have spent together in the staffroom (opppsss but im sure they understand wat I mean) LOL U are such a dedicated lecturer and I always tell J8 dat they are lucky to have such a dedicated and passionate economic lecturer like u.
Miss Kwa,
Our Awana memories will remain forever. We are da black team yeah. BLACK IS FINE BLACK IS MINE.
It’s a relief to know dat someone is actually having da same thinking like you. and u are da one. We both enjoyed ourselves sharing da same (gila gila) idea, keep on rocking our lifes as it is too short for a tear.
My partner in crime. I like the way u approach ur current employment. And believe you me, u will treasure nothing else in dis world but da only son of urs.
Mr Yap Chemistry,
My life-saver, my rescuer. I dunno how am I gonna make it without u. and I wud like to apologise shud it became a troublesome for u dat day. Gunung Nuang allows us to know each other more rather than in da office. How true.
Miss Loke,
I’ll come for gong xi fa cai open house ok. Make sure u’ll deco ur house and make nice meals. Hehehe.
Miss Cheang,
Even though we talked less, but I know dat u r a nice person to befriend with and a gud teacher to ur students.
Trust me, judging you in Awana, u can be da next bond gurl.hehehehehehe (u simply have da style dear)
Mrs Lim,
Take care of sai jun for me. from now he has no one but you to turn on. As well as L3 and P3 which I think P3 needs most of ur attention. LOL
Mr Yong,
I gonna miss Sarah. Hey we are yet to talk about politics despite we have promised to do dat at da beginning of da semester. Lets go for a ‘the tarik’ soon after Ramadhan ok.
I hope u will find yourself enjoyable with us. Students are always students and we were once a student before. And im sure we share da same wavelength wif them, they will treat us more than as a teacher.
Ur nice and humble way-of-going clearly reflects on how ur religion has taught you. I can see a complete Christianity reflection in you as u demonstrate it all in your personality. Keep it up. U are born as an angel to the mankind.
Mr Woon,
Never give up Mr Woon. Da only reason why we keep on breathing is becuz we will keep on fighting. Don’t be afraid of others becuz u know wat u actually deserved for and wats da best for u
Mrs Banu,
I gonna miss your advices ur laughs, ur companionship and all. U are such a nice lady banu and I know ur daughters will always appreciate wat u have done to them.
Mrs Yapp,
Ur smile and ‘coolness’ are da facts dat keep you young and pretty. Dun loose them cuz even students can see those in your daily appearance.
Later I teach u new techniques ok. Do u still remember da old ones? LOL
Again, sorry for disturbing ur class the other day. P3 and me were over-reacted on da things we discussed and cant resist from having a big woooooooo.
Puan (Dr) Nor.
Ada barang tak? Hehe .we’ll definitely be in touch ok. We will meet and eat eat and eat. Cuz we both know how fortunate a human to eat what has God granted to us
There are so many to thank. But u guys r da greatest peeps in da world and potentially be da world class academics.-fingers crossed-
Sokay dear. Take a pause here in taylors and im sure u will find you path soon. Dun rush because u are still young to figure wats da best for u. I was in dat situation too and I have overcame it.
Please take care of P3 for me. they are not a troublemaker. Its just dat they need someone to listen and to acknowledge their problems. And im sure u can do dat (considering ur position as Psycho lecturer)
U rock babe. Students will enjoy ur ‘coolness’ I bet. Take care of urself
Da rest of the White Roomers,
Im sorry da fact dat only little time spent in knowing you, i cant write much. My bad. Im sure shud I have more time given, I want to know all of u better. But hey, sometimes, we will know each other more out of employment attachment. And I believe dat we will somehow meet in near future.
To those I have missed out, dat doesn’t make u less special than above. I probably missed out your name due to the urgency of sending this email. U will still fondly remain in my remembrance and forever will never be forgotten. I am sorry should this email contains a lot of discrepancies, mistakes (especially grammatical errors and spelling … and I bet Miss Ng isn’t happy with this) and all, this is just the way of my creative writing when suddenly things cross my mind.
Those memories will fade never, as it will makes us feel stronger. I am thanking the Lord Almighty for His mercy and clemency beyond all compare for letting me to be once, be part of the team. Even I am now leaving and beginning a new chapter in my life, you will always be in my mind and in my heart. Believe you me, whether u have achieved success or encountered failures in your life, u always have a place to stay in my heart and in my mind.
Till we meet again,
1512 – Orange Room- September 7th 2008-09-07

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