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Sunday, June 18, 2006

A thought of d' day

We come to LOVE not by finding a PERFECT person, but by learning to see an IMPERFECT person PERFECTly ...

How irony ..

Anyone agree?


Anonymous said...

Life is full of ironies, contradictions and paradoxes.

Interesting fact that surfaces from your thought, Mr Zack, you spice up with your own string of words to this same meaning, please read below:

"Mistakes are a common part of life making no one in this world perfect. Loving someone means accepting their faults with sincerity and graciousness. Due to these feelings of genuine care and the warm rush of wanting to give and not to receive, that is how a person who loves will see his/her lover as perfect.Coz he/she never counts the mistakes and the imperfections that the lover possesses but instead appreciates the every goodness the lover has."

A person in life who seeks for perfection in another human being is a fool.But as you say, life is ironic, isn't it?Humans will always want something that is not attainable.Kindness is easily forgotten and casted away.Any human can fall into the trap of life's irony including you, Mr Zack.I throw the question and your statement back to you.

Zokhri Idris said...

frozen fire,

cheers mate..
u've opened my half-shuted eyes all dis while..
true..its all absolutely true..

but would dat be hurting our hearts and soul always?

another question for frozen fire,

why we always being and been hurt? is life meant to be painful for us?


Anonymous said...


hidup bukan bermakna mesti melukai n sentiasa dilukai...kalau kita melukai n terluka...ianya silap kita kerana memilih jalan itu...n bukan hidup itu sentiasa untuk menyesali apa yang berlaku...kita bergerak ke depan n bukan hanya melihat apa yang dibelakang...mungkin kita pernah silap...tapi kalau kita terus berduka dengan kisah derita kita sapa yang silap???

kita yang silap kerana memilih jalan melihat kelukaan n kedukaan sebagai benda yang amat malang dalam hidup...kita yang pilih macam mana kita hendak hidup ini mr.zack...


Zokhri Idris said...


i quite disagree and felt disturbed with da comments by anonymous..

reason being:

tiada siapa pun di dunia nie yang pilih jalan untuk berduka. klu diberi pilihan, siapa pun tidak mahu berduka. tetapi andainye itu satu yang ditakdirkan untuk kite, mana mungkin kite boleh menghalangnya...

lagi satu, bukan senang untuk bangun dari terus berduka..cakap memang senang anonymous, tapi klu nak buat bukan satu perkara yang mudah..theory lain dari praktikal..mungkin awak tak pernah rasa terluka dan dilukai, dats y u got no idea how disastrous my life be.. u simply had no idea, my dear...

sape2 pun tidak mahu terus berduka, tapi adakah kite punya kekuatan utk bangkit dari kelukaan... bukan semua orang ada kekuatan macam awak anonymous...tue sbb awak tak faham dan menegerti ape yang orang lain rasa.. u simply dun understand..and refused to..

maaflah anonymous, sy sedikit terkilan dgn kenyataan awak..awak tak pernah tahu ape yg saya lalui and awak cakap saya memilih jalan yang salah dalam sedang ber'kabung' dengan kesedihan saya, ditambah pulak dengan kenyataan awak yang tak berhati perut tue..

maafkan saya... minta maaf sesangat..


Anonymous said...

You're a deep thinker, Mr Zack, with a vary acute sense of mind. Your blog tells that about you. Maybe, your eyes are half-shut because you're an idealistic person who chooses to think from an angle, not from various angles.I hope I don't offend you when I'm saying this :) I give you ample space to 'attack' me back if you want.

Have you heard of this Western saying, something that goes like this, " Sorrow creates a genius" Only when one faces sorrow, one can become stronger and learns to understand life, also makes one humble." A friend told me this, " If one is always happy and never feels sorrow, that person will turn crazy." I laughed at that statement but later, I find out it's true.

Life is patterned to be painful for humans so that humans will appreciate happiness, sincerity and love.Sometimes, we don't want to be hurt or hurt other people but we're only humans who make mistakes. But there's always forgiveness. Is there generosity in you,Mr Zack to forgive the people who have hurt you? If you don't want to, you still have the right.Sorrow is part and parcel of life.But we must work hard to find our happiness as we are entitled for it.Sorrowness is a vicious cycle. If you're sorrowful because of a person, another person is sorrowful because of you.That's the mystery of life, how we actually link to each other's lives.

What is your perception of life, Mr Zack? Is life meant to be painful?I want happiness, but face sorrow after sorrow. Am I denied the right for happiness?I'm willing to face sorrow if my loved one will be happy, without asking anything in return because of my unfailing belief in true love. Is one stupid if one stick to that belief? Answer those questions, Mr Zack, help us unlock the treasures of life.

Anonymous said...

wow... i'm speechless reading each thoughts displayed on this page...

but, yeah... well, of course, i believe, that none of us wants to be sad, hurt, upset... but, for me, to experience the pain is a must.. so that when we are able to smile again, we'll cherish every moving muscle that made it happened.

let me put it this way.

ms kecik2 dulu... mak selalu ckp... jgn lari laju2... nnt jatuh sakit... tp kite degil, kite lari2 jugak... laju2... pastu kite tersepak batu, kite jatuh... lutut berdarah... first time kite rs sakit mcm tu... kite sure nangis... tp bila dh baik nnt, kite lari2 lagi.. sbb kite tau sakit jatuh tuh mcm mane... dan kite tau punca kite jatuh... so kite akan langgar batu lg ker? so kite akan still nangis sekuat mcm first time kite jatuh ker? kite tau jatuh langgar batu kecik takkan buat kita mati. so kite lari lagi laju tp kite make sure jgn langgar batu lg. so, bukan ke kite makin kuat dr segi tu?

i agree with frozenfire..


Life is patterned to be painful for humans so that humans will appreciate happiness, sincerity and love

and sometimes, when we were too happy with our lives, we forgot who we really are and we stumbled again... and we remember the pain... remember our past lives that made us like this... so, unconsciously, we reminded ourselves to be more careful in the future... so mr. zack. not every sorrow meant to make you weak... not every pain meant to show gullible you are... it's just something... that can help u toughen yourself so that u'll know, deep down, i've been thru this, i am strong... i can do this...

this may not be related with the "perfect imperfect" thingy... but my heart goes for you...

be strong... becuz every second you spend angry and upset is a second of happiness you can never get back...

Anonymous said...

Astounding opinion of yours, Anonymous 2.(writer of the 6th entry). So deep, philosophical, heavy with meaning. The example you give sounds very simple but this common occurence does apply in trying to make out the mystery of life.

Mr Zack, God will never test a human without knowing his/her potential/ability to cope with the problem.One might fall during an ice-skating activity but one has to get up and continue skating.Same with life, the downfall is a lesson to test the strength and empower it.

"every second you spend angry and upset is a second of happiness you can never get back..." Another mystery of life.

Anonymous said...


everytime u write this kind of topic in ur blog I always being happy n enjoy to read it.there're so many opinions n thoughts that I manage to learn n discover.

1st of all I wud like 2 congrate mr.zack coz u spare us the space to talk n think about these kind of topics.sumtime people sad;"jiwangnya benda2 ni".but as everyone has his own life these are part of life.people cannot run away from the wording of 'love' 'feeling' n many other things.n tak semua org punya keberanian untuk mengutarakan topik2 sebegini di khalayak ramai. dalam sedar tak sedar mr.zack have help other people to ponder about the reality of life.congrate.

as a person who close to 2 mr.zack,I will always understand n try to learn about ur feeling n life.kesedihan memang ada dimana2,itu tidak dinafikan.teringat satu kata2,lebih kurang je maknanya dengan apa yang diungkapkan oleh frozenfire n anonymous 2 "setiap kelukaan n kekecewaan kunci ke pintu kebahagiaan"(another mystery of life that we need to ponder)

u know sumthing,all of these phylosophicals things r the creation of human to describe their understanding bout sumthing,but b4 it come to a very fascinating wordings,they just learn the feeling throughout their life.

it apply the same to us.never blame mr.zack dengan apa yang dia rasa dalam hidup n diri dia,kerana itu adalah pengalaman dia.pengalaman yang mencorakkan setiap org dengan pegangan n punya pendapat sendiri tentang kehidupan.n ia adalah putaran hidup yang kita sendiri kena cari untuk temui jawapan yang paling sesuai untuk kita.bago frozenfire n anonymous,n anonymous 2,all of u have ur own opinion based on ur own experiences.setiap orang punya sejarah sendiri yang mencorakkan dia.(hope u get what I mean)

however,in life we cannot aspect other person to be same like ourselves.coz Allah creates every person with his own identity n thought n he is unique by himself.there's come to differences.give n u have mention mr.zack,we cannot aspect a person to b perfect bcoz as for me,the meaning of perfect in ones belief will be different in other interpretation.tiada manusia yang sempurna tapi Allah menciptakan setiap pasangan itu agar melengkapi n menyempurnakan satu sama lain dengan kelebihan tersendiri.never aspect 4 the perfection bcoz u will never find satisfaction in it.

Zokhri Idris said...

Dear Frozen Fire,

I must admit dat knowing u is a source of strength for me to revamp from da melancholic life i had. True, 4 all dis while i've been thinking and acting as an angel, without realising dat world isn't as angelic as we think.
Dun wery, i wont be 'attacking' you. at least for now. LOL

I've heard about da sayings and ma mind theoritically believes its true. but sumtimes dear, as i've been saying loads of times, its difficult to put da things we believe in into our daily life.. our own daily life I mean..words are sumtimes not da best to describe wat we actually feel inside.

on the other hand, have u heard a Western saying (we shud be westerners then =) 'actions speak louder than words.. how so true

now i know why i am leading such a terrifying life all dis while.. its for me to appreciate happiness and da tranquility God has granted to me in da past.
true, we shud be a forgiveable person to everyone including to ourselves, cuz in life, we used to choose da wrong path and hurt loads of hearts.
but wudnt u agree with me if - its easy to forgive but hard to forget??
I find myself easily to forgive others no matter how much hurt i felt inside, but its hard, INDEED (stress added) to erase wat they have done from my mind. its not dat i dun want to but i just simply cant.

my perception of life? whoaaaaaaaaaa.. hard to define. but deep inside my heart, i still believe life is meant for us to be happy..dats da beauty of life, for us to cherish da value of life God gives to da ones who lives.
but sumtimes, we wont be getting everything we wished for. even worst, things do happen not in the way we wanted. cuz we arent God, we r just human, dat has been destined and fated how our life wud be..(pasrah mode) hihi.
so whenever one feels his or her right to be happy is denied, its just da way his life is..but always never loose hope to find happiness, cuz life is a journey not a destination. and a traveller like us will always keep on searching and looking, finding and exploring how beautiful life is..

its not stupid to believe life is full of miserables, but allow me to state dis (if i may)
"anyone who thinks sunshine is pure happiness has never danced in the rain."

come on, frozen fire, let us unlock the treasure of life ... together
anyone wanna join?


Zokhri Idris said...

Dear All,

I wud love to respond to each and everyone of you. I feel obliged upon receiving many encouraging feedbacks from frozenfire,anonymous, anonymous2,close2u and others. Indeed, i appreciate every single thoughts poured in my humble-low-profile blog.

I will try my utmost best reply to all entries. at the moment, my parents are here with me.. Yup in da UK. So got to spend most of my times with them. jalan-jalan n stuffs..(wish me i can 'bodek' them to get me a niu ipod) huhuhuhu)

bye guys.. love u all so much...seriously =)

loads of luvs,
zack idris

Zokhri Idris said...

Dear anonymous,

sadness and da downs are part emparcelled in our life. without those, life wud be monotonous and dull, no additional flavour nor colours..
I find myself really motivated upon reading all da comments and feedbacks put forward. Indeed, i truly appreciate ur effort and time, considering my hard situation in hand. my feelings mermerise and were outstandingly startled knowing, so many souls out dere who still care about me, including you..

ur example seems to be an easy one, but too philosophical.. for da persons dat can think deeply.. how true..yeah. i've heard about it once. but kinda like different version -haha- mine wud be da 'panjat pokok' thingy. its like u know ur mum will always prevent u from climbing and will punish u if u disobey her orders, but still u want 2 go for a trial. until u fell down,feel da pain and realise dat u wudnt be doing it again (at least for da time being)

when i'm scrolling down further, whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... i'm speechless too. ur thoughts and sayings were great and sounds really spiritual..

n i'll always remember, every tears drop from my eyes deserves a moment of happiness in future.. and i'll be waiting for the true happiness to come into my life..although it wud be for ages and years, but my feets will keep on standing and waiting..

to anonymous, thanks..
for showing me to value sumting dat called L-I-F-E !!!


Zokhri Idris said...

Dear Close2U,

I hope da blog helps us to learn more niu things and to discover more about life and everything.
May it benefits you and others in our journey to a never everlasting life, love and frenship.

jiwang? it depends to people. to me doesnt matter to be 'jiwang' so long u put it in da right way. and dats one of da motive my blog is working on for. sumtimes, da prob doesnt happen to me in personae, but it indirectly will help others to solve theirs.

wow, ur third para made me feel paranoid.. r u close to me? hoho..scary scary..hihi..but i feel safe knowing u understand wat i feel and together with me sailing da stormy weathers in da sea of life. thanks..

I thank you for ur back-up statements. it relieves me.. a lot. and ya know wat, all of da opnions pointed out in my blog blends well thoroughly, providing us a fair and square, most-rationale point of view.

N I thank you and others, for making my blog alive with wonderful thoughts and opinions.

N I will be expecting perfection no more from anyone. life is all about give and take..

thanks close2u
