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Monday, February 20, 2006

Boycott products from Denmark..? That's not the way, man...

A thought from a person named 'Fadhli'...n sumting for us to ponder upon...


The reaction of Muslims all around the world regarding the caricatures of our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w. shows just how much we all love him. Are we angry? Of course we are, but what has Rasulullah s.a.w. taught us? Did he teach us to retaliate whenever we are threatened? No, he didn't.

He taught us to be patient, to be loving, to be forgiving. One is considered to be strong not because one is an expert in martial arts or because one is very aggressive, but one's strength depends on one's patience. If you're a maths student, you can say that strength is proportional to patience.

If we join violent demonstrations to oppose these caricatures, what is the message that we are spreading? Although people will see that we do love our prophet Muhammad, they'll also think that Islam is not a peaceful religion. Remember fellow Muslims, we're all ambassadors of Islam, so whatever we do, people will think that is the Islamic way.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't do demonstrations, but just do it peacefully. Prove that we love prophet Muhammad s.a.w. by showing love to others, not by spreading hatred towards other people, especially the Danish. Don't go burning Danish flags or rioting in front of Danish embassies. I mean, how would you feel if non-muslims burn our mosques every time some "very clever" Muslims bomb a certain place using 'jihad' as their reason?

About the "Boycott Danish products" that's happening in certain places. Why should we boycott their products? Not all Danish companies support the caricatures. Just imagine what will happen if one of these companies experience a massive loss. Many people will lose their jobs. What if these people really need their jobs to raise their children? What if they need it just to keep ends meet? Is this what we want? Is this what our prophet s.a.w. taught us?

If we stoop down to their level, we're just as bad as them. Now I don't think that's Islam... do you? So just ponder about it brothers and sisters. Think about it. And if anything that I've written is incorrect, please do correct me. After all, we're all humans and we make mistakes, but what makes a good Muslim is not only how much right he/she has done, but also how many mistakes that he/she has corrected.



Anonymous said...

yes, agree. had spoken with a friend from denmark, who completely disagree with the cartoon. Denmark is just a small fairytale country with population of around 5 millions (smaller than london!!) - even he said if denmark go to war, he will run away.. hahah.. denmark is not our enemy. Our true enemy is the western culture. the real reason for the uproar is not the cartoon, but because muslims are fed up with the west (esp US); the media and the goverment policies. the cartoon is just an issue to spark the turmoil, and denmark is the scape goat. what more important for us to do now is to educate people. talk to our friends and coursemates. organise talks and camps about the life of our prophet, so they will know why we love our prophet so much. wallahua'lam

Zokhri Idris said...

Dear Hamizi,

Thanks for agreeing. Ur thoughts indicate how clever these "westerners" are in lighting da flames of anger amongst the Muslims..
and The Muslims shudnt be masked by these propaganda as it will bring us to nothing but to uncivilised,ill-mannered people..

I wish u a very best of luck in ur studies..May ur success brings new hope for the Islam's revival..
