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Saturday, May 27, 2006

O God, We Beg For YOUR Mercy ...

O God, forgive us !!

Nature at its most deadly has once again wreaked havoc in Indonesia, less than 18 months since over 131,000 people in Aceh were killed by the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami.

Condolences and offers of help have begun to arrive from the international community and aid agencies have launched appeals for donations. Both Save the Children and Oxfam responded within hours.

Full details, of the earthquake and resulting destruction are still coming in. The epicentre was just over a dozen miles south of the famous city of Yogyakarta, near the southern coast of Java.
As always, stories of attempts to contact loved ones are beginning to appear on the web. Ambar and Planet Mole are just two of those who have been desperate for news. No doubt first-hand accounts of those caught up in the disaster will follow in the coming days.

Bloggers who have visited Yogyakarta, a popular tourist destination, are beginning to register their shock and sorrow over those who lost their lives. Apart from being the main city in central Java, filled with a rich cultural history, many are drawn to the area by the ninth century Buddhist temple of Borobudur, considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world. There's no news yet if it sustained damaged in today's quake.

There's also some concern about whether the nearby volcano Mount Merapi, which has been smouldering in recent weeks, will be affected by tectonic activity. Reports suggest there has been some increased volcanic activity. When it rains in Indonesia it pours, as Allever effectively points out.

As with the tsunami, there have been suggestions that the materials used in local construction leave them vulnerable to such events - all in an area of the world highly prone to natural disasters.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

LoViNg n bEiNg LoVed .....

Sounds very unidealistic .. huh?

as living in da world of fantasy rather stepping in d world of reality
perhaps Zack Idris have been watching too much of romance movies lately (heyyy,, reading Law in ur final year is damn stressful...and watching romance is an acceptable excuse.. ahakz)


Izzit wrong to feel so?
Am I be guilty for loving some1 n being loved by sumbody?
Why its too hard to find somebody who really love u? with all his heart and soul?
Am i too filthy which disqualifies my heart from enjoying true love from sumbody

Wats wrong wif me?
Wat r da reasons 4 u not accepting me part of ur life?

Izzit cuz I'm a _ _ _ _ ??!!
which dun deserve for an everlasting love from a _ _ _ _? (Haha, mari bermain fill in da blank game)

hoho. Zack Idris gettin' crazy now .. out-of-his-reasonable-mind.

I've told ma junior once, love is eternity-WE LOVE N WE STAY-
u know wat he juz sed?
KICK UR ASS !!!.. Love is desire. Peeps fall in love for their desire needs.
My heart says -'very few not' (at least)

I replied "No, its not about desire."

Its about wat?

Its about showing respect n appreciate

its about sharing and caring

its about trust and confidence

He answered "Go to hell with ur fuckin' imaginative self-created @ syok sendiri love !!"

I nodded down silently....agreeing partly... reluctantly
sounds true on da surface, but dats not wat my heart least dats not wat i want

Am I in love? Dun know?
X reason.. X comment please
(waaaaaaa...statement berani mati dari Zack Idris nih.. keh keh keh)

but my noble experience advised..

one - Sometimes the one dat we love isnt meant to be for us..
two - LOVE isnt a possession aka (Cinta tak semestinya memiliki) adusss
three - LOVE doesnt end in a relationship aka cinta tak semestinya bersatu ... adusss lagik..

tangkap leleh lah beb

SO, wat is love? Where is love?
Love is in da air...hahahahaha

2 da person I love, ( u know who you are) I juz want to know dat I'll always love you, no matter wat, whenever n wherever my love will always remain (even I'm no longer stay in ur heart)

Let it be known dat love is pure and virgin. Its we the human who contaminate it, make it obscene and impure ..
Love isnt for desire ... its for sharing-caring-trusting- respecting some1

Even, its more than dat ....

Ada apa dengan cinta?
Cinta punya segalanya

Notice of disclaimer - Zack is totally insane now..

Zack Idris

DISCLAIMER NOTICE: The large- bold-redcoloured words are strictly addressed for 18 SX. Child under age must be accompanied by adult to view such words !!! The author shall not be held responsible for indecent use of language to children !!

aJa AjA fIgHtiNg's PoLl oF D' mONth

"The hardest thing to do when u're in love is to let him/her go upon realising he/she doesn't love U anyomore ..."

Anyone agree? Say ur view !!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

How izzit like be a 23 year old chap

MALAYSIA is 43 year old now

QUEEN ELIZABETH celebreated her 80th birthday months ago



I turnned to be 23 less than a week ago

Firstly, I wanna thank God, 4, his unlimited clemency granting me wat is called L-I-F-E. I thank Him 4 everything he has done and gave, beyond all compare.. although, I must admit, 4 da past few years, I've forgotten Him a lot, not been very good to Him. Wat a bad companion I am ...

O God, Pardon me...
Isk..Isk..Isk (insaf mode)

My birthday eve happened as da way I've expected (though not in da way it shud be) huhu. I bought myself a choc cake (yummy!!), ate it (not all of course), and gave some to others. Celebrating ur birthday wif sumone special is really sumting. N u'll come to realise dat it was da best ever birthday celebration u had in ur life... Thanks to Dato' S -giggling- for hosting da small-but-meaningful party, for lending me ur bedtime, witnessing da greatest moments in nights 2gether.

Life @ 23 cud be really punishing. 2 be honest, I dun feel happy (a litt' bit) opening da 23rd chapter of my life. Full of fear and trauma. n I thought I wud sail a miserable sea ahead in ma life... Uwuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... wot a bad buzzday !!!
My 23rd birthday occurs months before graduation . Hurrah peeps !!! After 5 years dwelling law, shaking ur ass and head for it, da time has come 4 me to bury all da cases n articles, deep down under da soil, n for gudness sake, i will never dig those up again...

Who cares about a silly Mrs Donoghue who bought a ginger beer with a decomposed snail in it?

Who bothers about a reasonable man test with da one on Clapham Bus encapsulated by Lord Denning?

Who gives a fuckin shit about silly principles of promisory estoppels and its exclusion?

Image rite? Patent? Trademark? Arghhhhhhh


Who gives a damn on wat Kelsen n Hart debating about wat law actually means?

Arghhhhh useless....

Who gives a fuckin shit I wanna be a lawyer?

Perhaps Law isnt for me !!! =(

Yet, my uncertained future is about to come. I simply dun have any clue, wat I wanna do post-graduating? Staying or leaving? Law or anything else?
I dun think being a lawyer is sumting I shud look for. Once, I've said law is interesting to those who see law as boring. Now? Zack Idris is kneeling down -S-U-R-R-E-N-D-E-R.. (hands up wif a white wig on ma head) hahahaha.. It is boring.. damn boring indeed,,,
But still, I love da course

To all ma frens who ringing, texting, emailing, friendster testimonialing or messaging, I thank you for ur kind remembrance to me..(masih ada yang sayang..kui kui)

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. I shudnt swear on my buzzday. Sowy mum. I wont swear again (at least in my next birthday). but its all about da law thingy's fault...Can I get my Lamborghini now? hahahaha

Will dere be another sunshine for me? After a traumatic stormy days in my life before?

Selamat Hari Jadi
Shin Yer Kuai Ler
Sana Hil Wa Ya dami
Happy birthday ......... Zack Idris

Zack World's Record -----> I received at least 30 ++ testimonials on my birthday. Waaaaaa. I want my birthday everyday...(^_^)


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hey Folks, I'm back - Geee y m i missin'? -


Its been ages (I think and u probably agreed) since I last updated my blog. Been quite debilitating in a while hence, I can't put my fingers on the keyboard, transfering ma ideas in my mind into my laptop screen. Wait, inwardly, i was hardly to be online 4 couple of weeks, and one had asked:
1) Wot da heck happened to u, dude?
2) R u sick?
3) R u trapped by ur sideless hectic way of life?
4) Aiiii bang lama x berblog??!
5) oitttt ... awat lama x update blog?

and I anwered:
1) Nothing happened. I'm pursuing my ordinary life with extraordinary activities.
2) Nope i'm not.. but sometimes
3) U got it rite!! absolutely correct
(4) & (5) x der masa laaa dik

So ladies n gentlemen, these are wat achieved by Zack Idris 4 da period of his spring 'hibernation' :

EnJoYinG MoViEs in CiNemA (HOsteL n The HilLs HaVe eYeS)
da first one is totally S_ _K - horor- terrible - macam cipan - disastrous and... oppssss I must not further commenting otherwise I might hurt some1. But I thank him for inviting me for da movie.
Da Hills Have Eyes is OK-not-too-bad-la movie. It reveals da merciless of the US Government dumping its nuclear waste in a remote, unattendable area {seram gak arr}, but I enjoying it much (after a few preliminary warnings to my movie-mate)

ZaPiN tRaInInG
Dis has taken most of ma time 4 da past 3 weeks. The daily trainings really keep me tight n fit. Thanks to Tas n Kat (both from Edinburgh) 4 been really dedicated chareographer (which ever da spelling is rite) aka sifu to us. From a stif, unskilled and awesome into a well-trained, 5 ***** dancer (kalah yayasan warisan kesenian johor beb)
and We received countless compliments for our performance in Malaysian Nite in Mancheter. It was a huge blast.
4 da love of Zapin, i'll learn more and will keep on studying new steps of our authentic flourishing dance.

JaULah@Trip to LondOn
At first, I didnt want to - But I had to, so to speak. If I'm not going who else gonna represent MISG to meet da V V V V V V V V V important figures in London. I had da chance, by virtue of being da MISG Committee members to meet dis fofular peeps like:
> Bro Wan Mohd Saiful Wan Mohd Jan
ex-president (mantan) President HIZBI UK & Eire

> Ebrahimsa Mohd
Director of Muslim Aid, UK n he's mesian

> da list goes on

> last but nit least, my dear Dewi Hani Masyita
a fren-an accompany- an adviser- a listener - a shoulder 4 me to cry on

JaUlaH@tRip 2 OXforD
Hey, dis was my second visit to dis city of academic excellence. Had a chance to meet Sheikh Afifi Al-Akiti, a Phd student, part time lecturer in Oxford. n he's Mesian !!! durrrrrr (proud being mesian ya know).. He was born locally but thinks globally. I truly admire his intellect peace of mind and his brilliant superb thoughts. His ideas are great, full of maturity and sounding justifications... (but he loves to sing) huhuhu

a Nite over in Staffordshire
after a long series of giving noble excuses, I cant made it any more. I've been declining the invitation 4 ages and dis time I cant no longer keep on doing so. I went to Staffordshire 4 a nite @ nua's house. Having a late supper wasnt a gud ending of da day. y? although full precautions been taken in preparing the meal, it turned out to be a catastrophic meal-most ever hot and spicy noodles I've ever tasted in my life. {pedas nak mampus}
d next day, we enjoyed da brite sunny sun in Staffordshire Castle. Been lectured by da tourist guide for nearly an hour. found dat da trip gearing up my undying interest to da british castles and mansions.

Program Rekreasi Ilmu aka PRI
Zack Idris has been elected 2 b da sponsorship committe for da prog above said (though da appointment was nothing n i was partly failed carrying out my job) hehe. It was held in Grimsby by da MISG UK-EIRE. da turnouts werent really encouraging but da bond of hearts amongst us is sumting I felt. Miss u guys so much. Da event was held
- to develop one's physical ability in tandem with enhancing spiritual strength and expancy of
intellectual capacity
- to provide avenue to exchange views and share experience of being an international student in the UK

To Ibrahim Maryam Nua Mat Ain Farah Wani Akmal, Nasir n Mukh ---> miss guys so much

EXAMS !!! Arghhhhhhhhhhh
A forthnite from now, but u already cud feel da heat. I decided not to stress out as dis is my final exams in my degree, -HURRAHHH- I wish to ask for delay as i dun want to graduate dis soon. I want to be and undergraduate forever. -ESP 4 anor 3 years..hehe (^_^)- I relly enjoy being a sudent and wud always want to be a student.

Free Palestine DEmo
taking place on da April Fool's Day, rite in front of Marks n Spencer in Martket Street. da showers were pouring down but it didnt weaken da spirit to show our disgust support to M&S for assisting Zionism occupation in Palestine

Dis week gonna be my final week of lectures. Leaving da creepy campus and da scary John Rylands. d factis i cant ran away from them 4eva (at least in these 2 months)

Arghhhhhhhh..nota IP x wat lagi ...

Sumone stab me now ...

Reading law in your final year can be really punishing. Too much work to do, so much dat I cannot, 4 a moment, sit down, writing my ideas. n da weekends are reserved to catch up wif frens, training, leisuring, shopping (clubbing??!!) LOL

After all, dere's only 1 thing left ... n i'm hardly counting on days for dat - is to spend my remaining timeour remaining time together, though cudnt bare imagining my life without MY S_ _ _M_ _E around, but da reality (yet to come) is -> He's leaving!!! Yup, leaving me behind in dis old-bloody-boring England... to Malaysia where he's gonna have so much fun ... =(
all i cud do is - 2 give my all out 2give him da very best ever tranquility he ever had in life.. huhu

Roger n Out

p/s- Pics will come out shortly.. Dun wery