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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Walk To Remember (Part One)

Everything I do, I do it 4 U.... Mum n Dad, Thanks 4 Everything

Ma Second Family.. Love u all so much!! N Sum1 is so special standing behind Dere 4 Me (",)

I Used 2 sit On Dis Bench, Having A Cup Of Latte n Choc Muffin During Lunch Break All Year Round. Now I'm Sitting With My Graduation Gown. huhu ..

Ehem Ehem !!! (blushing) Thanks 4 Everything.. Anything!!! N I really mean it

Sumone told me I Look Macho n Stunning. Am I??

My Hanky-Panky Mate and Me Housemate

With Grace n Honour ... Ececececeecce {P-O-Y-O Mode)

Asan, My Senior back in IIU


Anonymous said...

may i know who's dat someone special stand beside you...

Zokhri Idris said...


which pic are u referring to? loads of people standing beside me..


thanks 4 visiting

Anonymous said...

Owh Wan Zu...Congrats...congrats..Dah grad pun...
Nanti hilanglah sorang senior yang vogue. Jadi pulak lawyer yang stylo.
In fact you done the 3 killer years well..Good Job Mr.Lawyer.=)

Anonymous said...

Hey u...

Cool pics. One golden moment in life...Can't wait for mine;)

Anonymous said...

so, finally, we have the chance to see the pictures of ur 'big day' huh... wah..i see that u finally dah cut ur beatiful and long hair (mesti frust giler ni..kuikuikui)... ni mesti kes tak nak kena marah dengan ur parents la ni, kan? hehehe... anyway, once again congrats and hope that u will have a very, very bright future ahead!!!

Zokhri Idris said...

dear ain,

trimas trimas..begitulah nampaknyer..
well anda takkan kehilangan saya.. dah grad tak semestinya kite akan hilang vogue.. we meant to be vogue forever..

ermm vogue dan stylo tak boleh duduk sekali.. sbb sebab masing2 plays different for me, i prefer to be vogue rather than stylo.. hehe

a lawyer wannabe..


Zokhri Idris said...

dear frozen fire,

thanks.. wish u are here.
so when's urs taking place?


Zokhri Idris said...

ina azrina,

i was really frustrated at da first place. cant even accept da niu look of me. felt estranged and weird.i just hate da niu me.. but i guess i've to start love it cuz this will be my appearance from now n onwards..and now, i feel better..

you arent da first..ermm partly true.. takut my mum fainted plak biler jumper i kat airport nanti..second reason, takut kene post-graduation lecture plak after dis..hihihi

thanks for da wish.. and i hope u'll have a successful enjoyable career ahead.. selamat memulakan tugas ..huhuhu


ibnu_umar said...


Hensemnya Wan Zokhri Wan Idris (LL.B) Hons memakai jubah graduasi.

Ape2pun, selamat maju jaya kepada Wan Zokhri Wan Idris (LL.B) Hons. Semoga menjadi peguam yang bermanfaat buat semua. Amin.

Zokhri Idris said...

Amar Kun,

Hehehehe.. ada2 jer amar nie. tapi nie sumer pun berkat doa dan sokongan rakan2 sumer including u.. so thanks a lot, dear amar..

cant wait u to graduate in 5 years time.


Anonymous said...

salam..oh abg wan,kacak bergaya sungguh anda dgn gaya baru anda...kalo saya single,pasti saya ngorat ;-p...sedihnya nanti abg wan dah takde..sayu n sedih lak rasa...huhu..rasa nak blanje abg wan makan je :D

Zokhri Idris said...

wahai jiran yang baik hati,

r u trying to imply dat u r taken? hoho. congratulations then.
well, abg bukan mudah utk dingorat. u can ask da fellow readers.

dun wery, even we are apart, u always have my support and blessings. watever u do,whenever u are, i always be beside u, dear sist

lepas puasa kite hang out k, insyaAllah
